What is Person-Centred Counselling and Therapy?


Developed based on the works of Dr. Carl Rogers, an American psychologist, the Person-Centred Approach to counselling and psychotherapy was viewed as incredibly radical, even revolutionary for the time period (1940s-1960s) when it was introduced.

Instead of operating under the theory that the therapist is an expert, this non-directive theory trusted humans’ inborn tendencies (referred to as actualising tendencies) to find fulfilment in their potential. This theory highlighted that in a particular psychological environment, the fulfilment of personal potential includes a longing to be known by and know others, sociability, and a need to be with others. Additionally, it includes being trustworthy and trusting, showing curiosity about the world, being compassionate and creative, and being open to experiences.

Dr. Rogers described the psychological environment as one where a person feels free of physical or psychological threats. This environment is usually achieved when engaging in a relationship with someone who is empathetic (deeply understanding), genuine, and accepting with unconditional positive regard.

Initially developed as a psychotherapy approach (eventually known as client/person-centred therapy/ counselling), Dr Rogers and his colleagues later believed their ideas could be applied to other areas where people are in relationships, such as conflict resolution, teaching, childcare, and management.

Many non-practising counsellors or psychotherapists still use Dr Rogers’ work to guide their daily relationships and work. Although, on some level, Dr. Rogers’ theory and work can be viewed as simple to describe, they are more challenging to put into practice. This is because the approach doesn’t use actual techniques but instead relies on the therapist/ person’s personal qualities to build an empathetic and non-judgmental relationship.

Learn more about person-centred private counselling in Bristol.